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Year 9 Options
A ‘Pathway’ is a route through the curriculum. At The Whitby High School, we have three pathways aimed at three different types of learners. Students will receive a different Options Preference Form depending upon the pathway that they will follow. All Students will follow a Core Curriculum consisting of English, English Literature, Mathematics, Physical Education, Personal and Social Education/Citizenship, Religious Education and Science.
In addition to the Core Curriculum, students will make choices from a wide range of optional subjects. One choice must be made from each option block.
Pathway P
This Pathway is for students who aim to progress to Advanced Level study followed by Higher Education and/or employment with training. These students will study the core curriculum, but will have the opportunity to study Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) as one of their options. Studying Separate Sciences will place students in a strong position to progress into Advanced Level study in the sciences, and for those who wish, graduate studies in science including Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science. Students will also choose from a range of optional subjects and all students will be eligible for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc). The English Baccalaureate is a composite qualification consisting of GCSEs in English Language, Mathematics, Science, History or Geography and a Modern Foreign Language, all at Grade 4 or above.
Pathway A
Pathway A is for students who aim to progress to Advanced Level study followed by Higher Education and/or employment with training. These students will study the core curriculum including Combined Science, equivalent to two GCSEs. Alongside the core curriculum, students will study four optional subjects, one of which must be either History or Geography or a Modern Foreign Language. Students will be eligible for the EBacc if they choose to study a Humanities subject and a Modern Foreign Language.
Pathway C
This Pathway is designed for a small number of students who are motivated by a vocational and practical curriculum. Students will choose three options. We will then build a bespoke pathway which prepares students for Further Education College, Modern Apprenticeships and Employment with training.