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- Psychology
Psychology is designed to inspire and engage learners by providing a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study which develops an understanding of the ideas and values that characterise ‘self’ and others. Learners will be equipped with a psychological literacy that enables them to apply their knowledge and skills in their everyday lives, including making informed decisions about further study and career choices.
Psychology is the study of behaviour. Why do people act the way they do? What are the reasons for the choices we make? Why do some people suffer from a mental illness whereas others do not? What is the importance of sleep on our well-being? Why do some people turn to crime? These are some of the questions we will be looking at during the course.
During the course students will cover 7 Key Topics;
Criminal Psychology, Development, Psychological Problems, Social Influence, Memory, Sleep and Dreaming, Research Methods.
This covers a wide range of themes and issues, where a great deal of maturity and understanding will be required. We will also look at 5 core areas in Psychology; Biological, Cognitive, Developmental, Individual Differences, Social.
The subject is a mixture between Science and Humanities; so a solid foundation of recall and learning is needed, as well as an ability to write well to support your answers.
The course is assessed by two 90 mark exam papers, each 1 hour 30 minutes long.
There will be a strong requirement to keep on top of work, to keep recapping the theories and topics covered; ensuring that key themes, ideas and terminology is retained.
Further Opportunities
Students will be more prepared for the Psychology A-Level or the Applied Psychology BTEC at KS5. Students will also develop the skills that will help them with applying for apprenticeships that involve working with others.